Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore), a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospitals surgical unit. Alone in the world and unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.
1. Burnt Food
A young autistic surgeon (Freddie Highmore) who relocates from Wyoming to California to complete his medical training relies on his top-notch skills to disprove his colleagues' skepticism.
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2. Mount Rushmore
When prejudices about his autism force Shaun to sit on the sidelines at St. Bonaventure, his colleagues don't hesitate to claim credit for his ideas.
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3. Oliver
As Shaun and Claire improvise to preserve a liver for a transplant, Andrews is pressured to partner with Melendez on a wealthy patient's routine surgery.
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Melendez takes a risk to save a mother and her unborn child, placing the hospital in legal jeopardy. As Shaun struggles to adjust to his new life, he and Claire team up to treat a teenage porn actress.
5. Point Three Percent
After bonding with a young patient, Shaun suspects that he's been misdiagnosed with a fatal form of brain cancer. An elderly patient's allergic reaction exposes a longstanding rift with his son
Shaun and Claire devise an experimental procedure capable of saving a young groom's leg and life, but the patient's loved ones must learn to work together. Meanwhile, Jared struggles to connect with a patient whose scars may prove too deep to overcome.